Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 wrap up

Wow. 5 months since I've updated.
I bet you've missed me like a rash you can't reach huh?!?

Well. Let's see if I can sum up the year for me.

Change jobs. 10 yr anniversary. Opening day at hospital. Join home church. Turn 31. New office in OR. Two kids in school. Baby Abby turns one! Like 30 celebrities pass away! Kids take piano lessons. Family being family. Holidays bring acoustic guitar and flying trampoline.

For the New year I will (resolute?) to blog on schedule. (And thanks to our handy dandy Air Card, that should be a lot easier!) - I will also try to be less snippy. I will concentrate on my facial expressions (I will smile more) I will become a talented guitarist! I will try to be a blessing.

Here's hoping that you have a wonderful year.
If I see you, I see you. I'll be the one in Wal-Mart trying to avoid eye contact with the other people. Speaking of Wal-Mart...I noticed these people lifting melons to their nostrils and giving a sniff to each of them on the pile. Methinks they smell like nothing more than the hands of previous shoppers! STOP doing that! It's just wrong.

Later my friends!