Monday, July 26, 2010

...You Know You're From Colorado If....

...You tell your spouse to pick up granola on their way home and they stop at the daycare!!

Howdy folks! Fresh off of a return from a little state I call Colorado having some major fun in the mountains and rivers and Wal-Mart!

It started with a flight to Kansas City, then straight over to Denver, which is not as impressive as I thought it would be.....probably because the Nuggets play there! Anyway, what WAS impressive were the endless mountains and clear COLD, and I mean "Do I have a brass bra on in the middle of winter?" cold!!

We ski-lifted our way up to a beautiful scenic place where we played washers, took pictures, and got heckled in the bathroom!

We bunjee bounced, rock climbed, and enjoyed the view of a golf course from our window....and, got threatened to get beaned by a golf ball shortly before taking our football throwing entertainment elsewhere!

My kids are apparently half crocodile hunter (may he rest in peace) because, apparently, - THEY DO NOT KNOW THAT THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO GO TOPPLING OFF OF A MOVING RAFT WHILE IT IS SKIMMING DOWN THE RIVER!!!

- That brings me to my six year old Caden. He, desperately trying to be like his friend and brother, wanted to be lifted over our raft as we were white water rafting down the Colorado River. In spite of the two ten year olds wailing due to the extreme coldness of the water as they did this shiver-bounce-bobble thing while clinging to the little purple rope on the side of the vessel, he allowed me to place him into the river....only to scream "get me out, get me out!" a good TWO seconds later. So I hoisted him back in and then proceded to rescue the other two. Much to my blindness, as I was struggling to dead lift two 90+ pound slippery boys.....little Mr Fall Guy LAUNCHES himself off the other side of the raft!!!! - Who IS this kid?? Our river-guide-paddle-lady sifted him from the water via his life vest. And I just laid there and tried to breathe. Oh it's clear air, there's just not enough of it!

Later, 25 feet above the ground and THOUSANDS of feet above sea-level while on another death-trap these people call a ski-lift, Drew and I are alone enjoying the scenery...and by enjoying I mean counting the bicycles on the passing seats heading the opposite direction! Can you REALLY be that pre-occupied that you don't notice the nature around you? But atleast he had fun!

Our guests (The Mays family, no kin to Billy - may he rest in peace as well) were so helpful in that, everytime we got lost, they would take over the navigational responsibility and lead us to other areas to get completely lost!! My only complaint was all the circle roads and yielding opportunities while driving through town!

Much more fun was had.....losing sunglasses in Eagle River, Falling into Eagle River causing said sunglasses to fling away, watching grown adults try to do a back flip in a trampoline bunjee device, cheering as our Caden climbed "his" rock-wall, getting up and enjoying cool mornings and gorgeous sunsets, jumping into a river from the shore the way God intended and NOT from a moving raft! - you get the point.

Alas, I leave you with one quicklet of a story.....

You haven't felt your heart race until airport security shows up out of nowhere and asks "What's the trouble here?"
Apparently, "someone" likes to "take" "souveneirs" from "places"
someone = me
take = steal
souveneirs = rocks
places = pretty much wherever I saw a pretty one!

You can't just smuggle those things in your baggage. The scanner person stopped it and started to go through it. Just then some fella with a badge appeared like a mountain Ninja and said "What'd you do now?" he barked, trying to be funny but causing me to nearly tinkle on my self! It was just a half boomerang-sized rock that will go PERFECT in my office! Totally worth it! As was this trip. Andrea and got some MUCH needed relaxation! I hope you enjoy the pictures!



1 comment:

Kasey Kobres said...

Oh how I wish I could write like you. That had to be one vacation you will never forget. :)