Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Witnessing to a child

How are you?
I'm great! Last Saturday, I brought my son Drew (8) to work with me. During the hour long drive I decided to teach him the plan of salvation. We've had "talks" before. And he's never at a loss for questions. So, during the drive, I asked him what sin was. He said he didn't know. I told him that it was the bad things we did. I told him what accountability was. - Old enough to make a decision, whether right or wrong, based on a particular responsibility. I used cleaning his room as an example. I told him where sin entered the world. - He quickly responded with a "Man, if they didn't eat the fruit they'd still be alive" - How did he realize that on his own? Can he grasp the concept of physical death as a result of sin? Apparently he can! I explained believing in Jesus was not just believing that He exists, but believing that He was born without an earthly daddy, living a perfect life, the necessity of His death, His resurrection, and His "coming back to get us" - I quoted that because it comes into play later.
I explained Satan to him. Where he came from, what he does now. He asked if I'd ever seen him. I told him I had no idea what he looks like but to always be prepared for an encounter. - Quickly reminding him not to be afraid because God created him as has control over him. He asked if Satan could kill us......what does the Bible say about that? (I'm asking myself at that point) - I told him that if Satan ever wants to do anything he needs God's permission and that if God says it's okay....then there's nothing to be afraid of. (It speaks of God commanding Satan not to kill Job....people assume this if for the rest of us) - My main point was that Drew should not fear Satan.
I explained the concept of "dying twice" - I told him that because of the initial sin our bodies were punished by having to die. I told him that after we die we could be with Jesus or die once more and never see his mommy or daddy again. I noticed that he was never "scared" of anything I said, but, instead, nodded accordingly taking what I said at face value. My intention was not to give him a guilt trip sandwich wrapped in Hell bread. He never laughed, he didn't ask a silly question, he just soaked it up and responded very naturally. Which was a relief to me 'cause I had no idea on how to talk about this to him and had been quite nervous in the past. Once we got to work he would ask a question and then remained quiet for a bit. Then, after about 20 minutes of playing his gameboy, he sat up and asked "when can you pray?" - I had already gone over that only saved people would not have to die twice and Jesus would come back for them, and to get this opportunity you would have to pray. - The kid knew he needed this and needed to know when he could do it. He came to me. He brought it up.
I told him that he could pray whenever he wanted to. He wanted to right then!
I brought him over to me....I asked him if he was a sinner. He said yes. I asked him if he believed in Jesus (and everything included) I told him that he would have to ask for forgiveness. He said okay, took my hands and said:
"Dear Lord. Um, I am a sinner, I believe in you and-um, I want you to forgive me so that you will come back to get me." "Jesus-name-i-pray-amen."
I asked if he was saved. He said "yes"
I asked how did he know. He said "because I prayed" I said "So, you just believe that Jesus will do what He says He's gonna do?" He said "Yup!"................How can that not be the most important day of my life up to this point?
That night, as we gathered on the floor to pray, he thanked God for saving him. And we've talked about it everyday since.

Ah, good times! Later, Dave


Jill said...

My sweet boy....that is the sweetest prayer!

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME Davey!!!! Way to go Drew!!! I'm proud for both of ya!!!