Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And ssso it begins!

There once was a guy named Ray
Who had a little too much to say
When trying to help at work
He wound up being a jerk
That's what I'll speak on today...

Okay, his name is not Ray, but, whatever!

Question. If you know very little about someone's belief, do you honestly think you can speak as an expert on the subject? An amateur?
I don't speak Spanish very well. So....I will not interrupt a conversation between two people speaking the language and tell them how they ought to speak.
If I did speak Spanish...I guess that would yield to me a certain right if they were in the wrong.
As a male, I couldn't tell a woman how to give birth. Even a male OBGYN couldn't effectively tell a woman how to respond to that kind of situation.
If you don't believe in God, can you tell a Christian that they are wrong for not acting more like a Christian? Don't get me wrong, if a person proclaiming to be a Christian is doing something or(several things) wrong, they need to be corrected.
But what makes them wrong in the first place? Well, the bible simply says so. So the bible needs to be read by that person. Or a person with a strong knowledge certainly has the right to intervene. Not someone quoting the age old "you're supposed to be a Christian" that has very little experience in such things. You wouldn't want a janitor doing heart surgery on you.
What if someone believes in God, but doesn't go to church very often, hardly ever prays, and never acts like a Christian? - Can they tell a Christian that they are wrong for anything? They can say - "you hurt me." or "I don't like the way you act." That's perfectly fine because you are not trying speak a foreign language that don't know!

And, here's the kicker, what if, I mean, is it possible, that you were offended at something that was actually GOOD for you? What if the something that happened was going to happen but not for a long time and would happen in a worse way making you look worse and you're just being a baby?!

Let me bottom line it a couple of times.
If someone goes behind your back, that means they'll go behind the back of the one they are going to behind your back. The bible is very exact on that kind of person - and a Christian knows better. So, if a Christian does this it's an issue that he/she needs to deal with (that's right) God about. They need to pray, realize what they've done, repent and respect the wishes of those they've offended.
By the way, do you honestly think that someone that tells you what someone said behind your back told you EVERYTHING? Of course not! Your assumptions are wasted. You know 1/4 of the story - I PROMISE.
What's done is done.
I'm 30. Not the first time/last time I'm going to deal with this. You's either. (yes, you's)
Imagine the alternative....the weight still on the shoulders, the awkwardness, the unknown. Replaced with bitterness that will dissolve, everyone in agreement about one person, and the newfound prospect of "I wonder what was really said" - If you're not doubting at this point, then the shortsighted train has stopped at your station.
You think it would have been better had nothing been said? Well keep dreamin' lollipop.

For the rest of you. - I'll return with something more entertaining tomorrow! (And you know who will be reading as well)

There once was a guy named Dave
Who tried his best to behave
Who's fault it was that he spoke
And hearts he surely has broke
But for their best, for their best, he was brave

Later, Dave

Friday, January 23, 2009


Greetings. I'm coming to you live from my wonderful recliner that vibrates (or "shakes") as my son says. The reason that it's the middle of the day and I'm not at my place of employment is because "my employment" no longer exists. Atleast not for another 60-something hours.
That's right, yesterday was my last day at Desperate Office Wives! I'm gonna miss the "educational conferences" that we had. That's when they would turn and say something inapproptiate to me about their personal lives. (Oh, you know I loved it!) I guess I should be thankful that they were comfortable with me. Could have been a lot worse. Let me recap my 6 week tenure. 1 week of minimally productive work marred by personal conversations, laughter, and food! - Hey, it was the holidays....and I started most of it! Followed by 5 weeks of awkward tension due to saying too much in one area and not enough in another. It was quiet at times. Too quiet. Rumors abound. Names (that's right) names tossed around with little stories attached to them would erupt albeit silently and cleverly timed as one or more exited the room. The true feelings from one to others and others to one was discovered. Complaints about not being able to say anything because it would "do no good" was heard. A plan or two hatched to refocus the office stucture. It's not 1 against many or many against 1. It's 1 against many against another 1 that have no clue about a third 1. And maybe a pair, and another three over here. Heroes on both sides. There was an old man with a young girlfriend, and when he spoke....I would lose IQ digits.
Or, I'm making all of that up. Which is likely, because I used to watch Days Of Our Lives on DVR! Let's chalk it up to a wild imagination and wish them the best. I made good friends there and will always be there for all of them. Just not one to twelve feet for 8 hours a day!
Here's to a good year Burt, Ernie, Big-Bird-Britney, whatever that "dog's" name was, and the truckstop queen! Oscar the Groutch says "Peace!" And whatever you reap, you will sow. If you speak ill.....you won't win. For Heaven's sake be quiet about your feelings. Unless you are confronting the one (or ones) that it has to do with. Use Bambi's mama's rule if you have to. Be patient and if you're indeed a "big girl" the test is now.
Moving on...
I will be working for a brand new hospital starting Monday morning. I believe my experience in working in the ER, Radiology, Med-Surg, Central Supply, Billing, and Admitting has afforded the experience to do this job well. And, my boss has A.D.D. which I speak fluently!! Working with some old characters and brand new dramatic specimens promises to give me material for months to come!
As a quartet pianist, it's important for me to have.....uh...bookings! So I've made some recent attempts to reach some contacts of mine to see if I could get in my church. I asked my aunt if we could get in at her church. Her reply "We are meeting at the school once a week and are currently in the middle of a building project" "It will take 12 to 18 months" - My thoughts - Have more services. More services means more offerings! Take about four a day 6, 7 days a week. Should have your new building in about a month - then we could come and sing 4 concerts in one day - EVERYBODY WINS!
Another fella said "We have one group coming in October." "I'll pencil you in for 2010"
What, are we the Beatles? We'll come do a sunday school party or something. Sheesh!!

Lastly, an interesting pick-up whilst shopping at Wal-Mart with the wife-o.
As we passed by some shirts she said "It's on clearance" "It's only $7.00" I said "It's free if you don't take one!" - My frugalness amazes me sometimes.

One last thing (even though I've already typed "lastly")
I've had some recent comments about not bloggin enough. "I check it a couple of times a week, but you don't update that often" I've heard. But my favorite was from one that said "I'll keep reading 'Dave-O Every other day' 'cause it's like once a week!"
Why don't you "Geet outa my blog?" - I'm kidding. Don't ever stop reading. ANY of you. I need you. I need you like the desert pants for the rain. Pants? On clearance?.........

Until next week, Capt'n Happ'n

Friday, January 16, 2009

Good Tidings

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let me rejoice and be glad that the office girls have left me alone for lunch. - DRAMA! But we'll save that for a safer time....
First off. The steak night went well. At this particular place, they don't have menus. Instead, they give you a two-sided card to flip. Red side up - they don't bother you. Green side up - get your stinkin' hands off the table 'cause there's about 7 guys with swords and cleavers with enough meat hanging off of them to re-inact the Rocky carcass punching scene! - Of course this meat was cooked. And was very good. I went to get my salad, accidentally knocked over the card flipping it to green.....when I got back to my table, Pedro was waiting for me to select a chicken to plop on my plate.
But the evening's finest moment came 3/4 of the way through. A waiter brought me a slice of key lime pie with a candle in it and said "for the birthday boy"

As the table began to say that he made a mistake I quickly hushed them, blew out the candle, and reminded them that you NEVER turn down birthday presents! (Even if it belongs to the (gulp) table riiiiight next to you) (Even if your birthday is a good six months away) (are you shocked that I'm not telling you the date?)
Moving on, there are many mixes in life. Male/Female. Day/Night. OJ Guilty/OJ Guilty...?
I found out this morning what happens when you mix redneck accent with hip-hop slang.
The infamous Starbucks drive-through-window-order-taker-person always has something to say. "Ya got uh long drive ahead of ya?" or "Cold out. Ain't it?" Which are harmless but still awkward for the Dave-O and Wife-O in the mornings. We just want our beverages. No conversation. In fact, you don't have to even ask for our drink orders. I think a little light should go off once they are ready for you to order. Then you press a button on the menu, put your money in (like the self check-outs at Wal-Mart) drive up to the window, reach in and grab your freshley poured items, and then drive off with a smile! :)

No. Not gonna happen with Marsha. :(

I assumed she would say something. Something profound like "D'ja hyair 'bout the plane that crashed in New York?" "BUURDS, they said it was!"

Well, she didn't say that, but she did reveal her urban side as she popped her head out after handing the wife the drinks and noticed across the highway that a police officer had pulled someone over. "Aw, did the 'PO PO' get him one?" she belts............................Andrea forced out a "guess so" then floored it out of there!! - Enough with the uncomfortable banter lady!

Here's hoping for a good weekend and knowing that my birthday is July 12!

Later, D. O.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Steak Night - after a week from the bad place!

I don't know if I'm glad this week is over only because I never know what the next week holds anymore. First off, this week we witnessed something that just gives you all kinds of warm feelings. - 5 fire trucks rushing to the next-door hospital! Apparently, a fire of the kitchen kind.

They say your resolve is tested most during the midst of the storm. Well, who is "they" and isn't Resolve a carpet cleaner? I think it depends on who you are as to when you are tested the most. For me, it's the waiting game for life's little diddy's to unfold. I don't mind the training, the introductions, the fighting....I hate sitting in the corner waiting for the bell to ring! But that's when we rest. Guess I'm not a great rester.

Friday had an array of swings to it. First, I had to drive in because I had to pick up my kids after work. That's fine, I just knew that I get off at 5pm and that I had to get them before 6:00p or it's $5.00 per child per minute after 6pm. Now I'm not that great at math - but that's like a $458,000.00 dollars an hour, or something!

So, I'm driving in knowing I have a small battle on my hands. The wonderful place, that saw no more need in me being employed, is refusing to pay my PTO time. Which, apparently stands for, "Pretty Tough to Obtain" - 'cause that's what it's turning into.

So, this is on my mind as I'm driving in AT or UNDER the posted speed limit. I noticed, parked on the shoulder of the highway, a Carter Bloodcare Bus with (the driver, I guess) pouring gas into it. Ironic that a company whose job description is taking fluid from people forgot to fill it's own tank with fuel!

I arrive to work. Begin my day, all the while thinking of whom (that's right, whom) I need to call at lunch (when it's appropriate to be on the phone or e-mail personal matters ;>)

So during my hour lunch I had to make a trip to my former place of employment. It wasn't easy returning to the dark side. I had a conference call with the the HR person and her Corporate counterpart. I was told some pretty disheartening things about people and what they had done/said to/about me. Using the "/" a lot/bunch today.

Needless to say I didn't get the answer I was seeking. Instead, I was asked to send a formal e-mail requesting my PTO. And so I did, once I returned to work. Unless the boss is reading...in that case - after work. (but it was during)

The afternoon drew a depressing breeze for me, BUT my two colleagues must have felt this and decided to cheer me up. They really did make my day better by doing things such as one of them belching so bad that it smelled like, and I quote "An elk died and a previous pile of vomit protruded from it's carcass." I, of course said that...and the raucious laughter insued. Nothing better than a pair of snorts coming from two giggling ladies! It may not have smelled that bad but I did ask that one of them fart...quickly! (You know, the old "did you fart? Well would ya?!!)

I needed that playful atmosphere to alter my way of thinking that afternoon. Because I was struggling with being the "better person." You see, I knew who the people were that did what they did and I wanted to do something back. But my two "able" co-workers advised against it- and for that, I'm grateful. (and I'm sorry I blogged about the belching thing ;<)

I guess I'll find out Monday what came of my wonderful visit, and ensuing e-mail.

But, before I go, I have one question. When did homeless people start getting so creative? I'm leaving Friday and I pull up to a four-way intersection and a homeless guy has a sign. Now, I'm not going to tackle the obvious issue of "where'd he get the marker to write?" - Instead, I'd like to focus on what it said.

Usually you get a good "Hungry. Need food, change." or a "Help, cold, homeless" - which are short, to the point and get the message across.

But, this guy shifted the old noggin' from first to fifth!

His sign read: "Homeless, hungry. Scraps would be nice. McDonald's would be great!"

What?? That's awesome! That's putting it out there. Honesty cracks me up sometimes.

Oh, yeah..."did I make it by 6?" - Let's just say that, after driving home AT and ABOVE the posted speed limit - I pulled out of the Daycare driveway with both of my kids in the truck with the clock reading 5:59pm!

So, tonight the wife and I are being taken out for a nice steak dinner. And that makes me say "McDonald's would be nice. Texas De Brazil would be great!"

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Awkward Meter

Most of you know that I have a built in awkward meter. In fact, once, where I used to work, I took a paper plate, cut out a paper arrow, pinned it on, wrote a 1 to 10 number scale (somewhat like a clock) and hung it beside my desk in my cubicle. The reasoning behind this was due to the abnormal characters that worked there with me and would either come and talk to me, or would do something within a viewing distance and I would feel the need to raise the marker up to an appropriate level. (usually a nine!)

I kind of wish that I had it today. The girls and I had just fixed our lunch from On The Border that a rep catered to us. I took a plate full of goodies, or el-goodos to quote the pertinent vernacular, to my desk. I sat down to eat, and, about 40 seconds later, we were brought a patient that had a question about his bill. "Oh you're eating I see" said the guy that escorted the patient to us. So up hopped one of the dynamic billing girls to assist. I had to cover my plate with a napkin and turn to dynamic girl number 2 that had her back turned (hiding the plate 'o food) and say "the meter would be up there about now!"

Moving on. Last night I watched the People's choice awards and came to the conclusion that Carrie Underwood may be the greatest vocalist ever! The lip-synchers of the world could learn a lesson on what real pipes are. Keeping with the musical theme, let me tell you of one song that I could DEFINATELY do without. Julianne Hough's song that keeps repeating the words. Something about "rain" "rain" "rain" and jumping off a "cliff" "cliff" "cliff" - that wears me out and makes me want to plunge off of the third floor floor floor where I work!!

Thanks for spending a few minutes with the Dave-O!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Powers That Be

What is it with people's view of other people? (Present writer excluded)
Let's start at the bottom. What makes the lowest person on the employment totem pole think that the people above them don't know what they're doing? And the people fortunate enough to be over them to look down at them?
Now, I don't know where the bottom is but we can start with the minimum-waged-limited-responsibility ones first. They complain of their little pay, horrible hours, and possible bad smell of their environment. All the while insulting the boss because "if I don't do it, he/she sure won't"

What about middle management? (I've been here, sort of) They/we are probably the worst. They are the first to have "people" under them, and yet, there are dozens above them that they report to. They get yelled at because productivity is not on par. Then they depend on their staff to get the job done ("that's what she said') - sorry!

But staff has no motivation because they have a bad situation at home, and always catch it from the peon-little-supervisor who knows nothing anyway.

What about middle management's relationship with upper management? Constantly asking for status. Constantly preaching that money is low, or productivity is not good enough. A motivational tool no doubt, but leaves a raw taste in the m/mgmt's mouth because - that's right, upper management does not know what they are doing anyway. Right? What about the Corporate world? Sitting up in their offices all day. Cancelling meetings, e-mailing, asking people to e-mail, re-e-mail, then going to the meetings. Demanding reports 5 minutes ago that Upper mgmt depends on m/mgmt to gather for them while watching over the bottom of the barrell. What about the "top-dog/s?"
Is it possible that they don't even know the names' of employees who have trodded along on the treadmill for their well-being for many years? Do the "little people" even get how hard they've worked to get where they are?

Let's take it out of the professional world to the spiritual. Do kids view their parents, as parents view, peers/celebrities, sports athletes/coaches, who view, politicians/world leaders with that kind of format? Do we all look up to God and assume that He "does not know what He's doing?"

You answer this question every day. With every move.

Maybe. There are a few house-keeping, insurance verifying, "billing specialists," secretaries, managers, coaches, CEO's Senators, Kings work their little tails off. Respecting each individual that they encounter because they depend on them and realize the need for them. Working together with them.

Point~ That we would acknowledge that God is indeed the CEO of life. He is also the housekeeper. Because we don't always do it.
He should be the center of our decisions. "Should we have more kids?" "Should I take this job?" "Should I start a blog and abandon the SFNewsletters removing ability for me to 'force' my thoughts onto people, risking that I am only down to 2 or 3 readers because the multitude of fans I once had are (sniff) over me! FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE COMMENT!! - .....What was I talking about?...Oh yeah.
Wake up, consult God on what you should do with your day.
Should I be mean to my spouse? Should I talk to my kids? Should I go to church? Should I allow my family to ride the DART Rail Train Thing to the MAV game despite the certain threat of violence due to the very mean looking passengers? Should I be the better person at work and let them "win" for now. Should I pray for the powers that be because I don't know their situation. Should I talk about personal issues at work (because it may get back to the wife?) (ha) - And, NO to that one!
No. Nobody else knows what they are doing. You are the only one that can do anything. And will do it better that anyone....if you think that way - you need a good kick in the kisser! Of course you don't know them. Pray for them, be the better person, and limit your use of the DART Rail.
God bless us everyone! (We need it)

Monday, January 5, 2009


Hey there.
The year is off to a good start. My oldest son Drew got a soccer/goal/net/thing that I had to put together. I did it INSPITE of the instructions.
It came time to take it out and bend it like what's his name. A good time was had by all. I had to make up about 23 different 3-man games to keep their attention. During the "game" Caden, the 5 yr old had some great Caden-isms. Two of the three soccer balls got kicked over the net way out in the field. (dad probably had something to do with that) - off the boys took off to retrieve. Half way there Drew must have hit a gopher hole or something because he completely wiped out onto the ground. Which prompted Caden to turn and say (while still running) "Watch out for that grasshopper!"
20 minutes later the ball was kicked, again, way out in the field, (maybe we need to have a ball control course or something) Drew took off to get it which prompted a yell from Caden, this time sitting on the porch - "Watch out for the grasshopper!"

Once finished with the external kicking of the ball we came inside. Such a beautiful day we decided to open the windows and let the (uh?) January air flow through. Unbeknownst to me, one of the screens on our window was off. Well, it was actually knownst, I just didn't want to put it up at that time. In flies 1 of 3 bees.

I was outside and my wife sticks her head out the window saying "there's a bee in the house"
I walked ('cause why run just to get stung?) around to the front where little Caden was waiting for me. "Dad, there's a bee on the loose!" - As if we have trained hives of them and one of the native bees ecaped or something.

Moving on to Sunday. Drew had finally decided to get baptized. We called in the fam and had 4 times the crowd we normally do. (Small church)

The deal with country churches is that you have old country heaters heating the old country....baptistery?....baptistry?..... - We were depending on the old-240-volt-acme-water-heater-deluxe-heat-o-matic!
Sunday night arrived. Mommy and little Drew went to change and we sang some songs. The reason that we knew the water was cold was that the preacher yelled "OH IT DIDN'T WORK!" as soon as he entered the water! We heard it over everyone's singing! Ah, but Drew was a trooper. He did have to comment as soon as he got out. "That was soo cold!" Then, a few minutes later he said "It was cold though" "I mean cool" "Not cool like it was cold, but cool like it was awesome!"

We are very proud of him and are relieved that electrocution was avoided.

Let's have a good year, and, for goodness' sake - watch out for that grasshopper!!