I don't know if I'm glad this week is over only because I never know what the next week holds anymore. First off, this week we witnessed something that just gives you all kinds of warm feelings. - 5 fire trucks rushing to the next-door hospital! Apparently, a fire of the kitchen kind.
They say your resolve is tested most during the midst of the storm. Well, who is "they" and isn't Resolve a carpet cleaner? I think it depends on who you are as to when you are tested the most. For me, it's the waiting game for life's little diddy's to unfold. I don't mind the training, the introductions, the fighting....I hate sitting in the corner waiting for the bell to ring! But that's when we rest. Guess I'm not a great rester.
Friday had an array of swings to it. First, I had to drive in because I had to pick up my kids after work. That's fine, I just knew that I get off at 5pm and that I had to get them before 6:00p or it's $5.00 per child per minute after 6pm. Now I'm not that great at math - but that's like a $458,000.00 dollars an hour, or something!
So, I'm driving in knowing I have a small battle on my hands. The wonderful place, that saw no more need in me being employed, is refusing to pay my PTO time. Which, apparently stands for, "Pretty Tough to Obtain" - 'cause that's what it's turning into.
So, this is on my mind as I'm driving in AT or UNDER the posted speed limit. I noticed, parked on the shoulder of the highway, a Carter Bloodcare Bus with (the driver, I guess) pouring gas into it. Ironic that a company whose job description is taking fluid from people forgot to fill it's own tank with fuel!
I arrive to work. Begin my day, all the while thinking of whom (that's right, whom) I need to call at lunch (when it's appropriate to be on the phone or e-mail personal matters ;>)
So during my hour lunch I had to make a trip to my former place of employment. It wasn't easy returning to the dark side. I had a conference call with the the HR person and her Corporate counterpart. I was told some pretty disheartening things about people and what they had done/said to/about me. Using the "/" a lot/bunch today.
Needless to say I didn't get the answer I was seeking. Instead, I was asked to send a formal e-mail requesting my PTO. And so I did, once I returned to work. Unless the boss is reading...in that case - after work. (but it was during)
The afternoon drew a depressing breeze for me, BUT my two colleagues must have felt this and decided to cheer me up. They really did make my day better by doing things such as one of them belching so bad that it smelled like, and I quote "An elk died and a previous pile of vomit protruded from it's carcass." I, of course said that...and the raucious laughter insued. Nothing better than a pair of snorts coming from two giggling ladies! It may not have smelled that bad but I did ask that one of them fart...quickly! (You know, the old "did you fart? Well would ya?!!)
I needed that playful atmosphere to alter my way of thinking that afternoon. Because I was struggling with being the "better person." You see, I knew who the people were that did what they did and I wanted to do something back. But my two "able" co-workers advised against it- and for that, I'm grateful. (and I'm sorry I blogged about the belching thing ;<)
I guess I'll find out Monday what came of my wonderful visit, and ensuing e-mail.
But, before I go, I have one question. When did homeless people start getting so creative? I'm leaving Friday and I pull up to a four-way intersection and a homeless guy has a sign. Now, I'm not going to tackle the obvious issue of "where'd he get the marker to write?" - Instead, I'd like to focus on what it said.
Usually you get a good "Hungry. Need food, change." or a "Help, cold, homeless" - which are short, to the point and get the message across.
But, this guy shifted the old noggin' from first to fifth!
His sign read: "Homeless, hungry. Scraps would be nice. McDonald's would be great!"
What?? That's awesome! That's putting it out there. Honesty cracks me up sometimes.
Oh, yeah..."did I make it by 6?" - Let's just say that, after driving home AT and ABOVE the posted speed limit - I pulled out of the Daycare driveway with both of my kids in the truck with the clock reading 5:59pm!
So, tonight the wife and I are being taken out for a nice steak dinner. And that makes me say "McDonald's would be nice. Texas De Brazil would be great!"
Have a wonderful weekend!!
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